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Interview with Win Morisaki, Fu Takahashi and Masaki Yabe about the musical "Jamie"!

 Interview with Win Morisaki, Fu Takahashi and Masaki Yabe about the musical "Jamie"!

The musical "Jamie" is a musical from London based on a real story. It premiered in Sheffield, central England in February 2017, and opened at the Appolo Theater in London's West End in November of the same year. It was a big hit and a long run, but the theater was closed in March 2020 due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. After a short resumption in December of the same year, the performance has been held again with a social distance from May this year.

The stage is a high school in England. A 16-year-old boy, Jamie New, had a dream of becoming a drag queen. Jamie tried to live her own way because of the red high heels she received from her mother, but she was opposed by the school and the adults around her, and she continued to struggle with her father. And he confronts the prejudices of society.

—What was your impression of this musical offer?

Morisaki Before this, I was doing "West Side Story" (Note: February 2020, which was Morisaki's first musical), and I wanted to continue the musical a little longer. Then, when I listened to the content, I had an intuition that I should do it because I am now.

Takahashi I wanted to do it, I thought I had to do it.

Yabe: I'm new to musicals, but I wanted to do musicals someday. This time, I got a story like this and thought that I could make a musical so quickly. I wondered if this was also a connection, and wanted to challenge a new world.

—Please tell us about the role you play. What do you sympathize with?

Morisaki Jamie's trauma and family problems are common to everyone, if not exactly the same situation. I think everyone has big and small family problems, and I myself have them. I can often sympathize with Jamie's outlook on life.

Takahashi Doing this "Jamie" is a challenge for me. I think it's a difficult role. But I want to do my best. Jamie is innocent and sympathizes with the way he is on his way.

Yabe Dean is the so-called "bullying" of the class. Because Jamie is unique and prominent, he bullies him. Dean says off-color humor and dirty words, but it's interesting to say that as a line on the stage (laughs). But there are some parts that are a little distracting. The play is interesting no matter what role you play, because you can experience something that you wouldn't normally be able to do. In particular, Dean this time is far from me, so I find it interesting. 

—What kind of work is “Jamie”?

Morisaki This is a straight and easy-to-understand work. Jamie faces herself, faces where she has escaped, overcomes it, and lives in her own way. It's a musical that can be positive and perfect for the present era. Musically, there are many songs that are positive. It's pop music in general, so I think it's easy to hear.

Takahashi I think it's an attractive work. It's so cohesive and attractive that it's confusing whether it's the current song or the current play.

Yabe: For me, one of the themes is "love." Love from mother to Jamie. Another love from Jamie to herself. I think it's a work full of such love. It is a heartwarming work where you can see various loves.

—Which number do you like in “Jamie”?

Morisaki: It's "Ugly in This Ugly World", isn't it? If you curse yourself like this, your words will come back to you. It may be the first time for me to sing while screaming such a negative thing. I knew the charm of such a song, and now I recommend it.

I guess is the "art" (Work of Art). It's a song that overcomes unpleasant feelings and becomes stronger in the scene where the teacher finds Jamie making up for tonight's drag show in the school toilet and the teacher puts Jamie out in the hallway. I like the tune that goes up.

Yabe: I'm the first song, "And You Don't Even Know it". It's a bright song and has the first impact. It's gorgeous to sing, dance and watch with all the students. I really like Jamie's own strength and brightness, which is a song that expresses this work.

—Did you have any particular difficulty in creating the role?

Takahashi in the song "Jamie rumors", in the scene where students are raised by rumors of Jamie in the classroom, because they have put out what students is amazing in the rehearsal hall, when Jamie appeared and burn, Every time I have to overcome it, I feel pressure.

Yabe Dean is particularly involved with Jamie, so even though Win is a big senior in my office, it's painful to be stupid or ugly (laughs).

My impression is that Win is Jamie who has a core and is strong and strong, while Hayate is Jamie who carries fragility and sadness, so it's painful to say that he is stupid. The role has the individuality of the person doing it, so even if it's the same role, the way it returns is different, so it's fun to interact with it.

—What are your thoughts on musicals?

Morisaki For me, "Jamie" is the second musical. Again musical I think that it is the apex of the composite art . I feel the greatness of music again and feel the importance of words.

Takahashi I'm also the second musical (Note: the first is " Death Note  THE MUSICAL "in January 2020). I don't have many friends around me who usually go to see musicals, but I want to know the charm and fun of musicals and recommend them to my friends and people around me . Many people are biased towards musicals, but I want you to know that there are many different musical works. There is a lot of fun mixed with various things.

Yabe I'm new to musicals. Musicals often do things like singing and dancing, so there are a lot of things to do. That's why it's also rewarding. Since singing and dancing are extensions of the lines, I will incorporate what the role wants to say into the song.

In musicals, it's interesting to have a different way of music than usual music activities (Note: dance rock band, members of DISH //). I feel that the way I sing is also different. Since the song is an extension of the lines that convey the character's emotions, we will sing it in a way that clearly conveys the words and messages

—What do you want to convey in “Jamie”?

Morisaki Being  yourself is the charm of the person and is the most beautiful . I want to convey that it is important to give yourself a positive feeling.

Takahashi   I think I have to express my gratitude . I want to convey not only negative things but also positive things that are usually difficult to say and shy.

Yabe   Jamie, who is like herself, looks cool. I want to convey that I want you to value your personality . And Dean must be bullied in order to see Jamie piercing it fall to the bottom and crawl up from there. As a role, I think it's good if you think it's a bad guy.

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