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Interview with 矢部昌暉 Masaki Yabe! Musical "Jamie" Ryuji Sato and W cast Dean are completely different characters

Interview with 矢部昌暉 Masaki Yabe! Musical "Jamie" Ryuji Sato and W cast Dean are completely different characters

―First of all, what kind of impression did you have when you read the script of "Jamie"?

In this era, I thought it was a work that should be done now. I think that there were many people who became a corona and thought about themselves again and thought about various things. I thought it was amazing to talk about my own personality, the story of minority, the problems of LGBT that have been talked about for several years, but I also thought that this work should be done. Besides, Jamie was simply shining very much. I'm the role of Dean, so I looked at it from Dean's point of view, and I got the impression that Jamie was shining so much that he was pushing for his own personality.

―How do you view Dean played by Mr. Yabe?

I have the impression that he is a bully and a disgusting guy in terms of character, but when he first sees it, he wants to smoke something that stands out a little when he is adolescent. I thought that everyone would have such a time, but I think that it is a character that embodies that feeling. I think that one of the reasons for bullying and being an outcast is envy and loneliness.

--Are there any parts that you sympathize with Dean?

I'm more of Jamie. I've been doing this job since I was in elementary school, so when I was asked, "Why are you on TV?" But originally I wasn't good at flocking with people, so it wasn't a pain. I understand Dean's feelings, but my personality is similar to Jamie.

―How did you feel during the lessons?

I was very excited to participate because my work delayed my participation in the lessons. However, you were very kind, and during the lesson time, you were kindly taken care of by taking the time to talk in a circle, and I came to be in your circle.

――I saw the lesson in the video, but there are some quite violent movements. How about dancing?

Recently, there have been many dance scenes on the stage where I appeared, so I think I can dance fairly well.

I was taking dance lessons when I was in junior high school, and at the beginning I was dancing in a group, but recently I've been away from dancing, so I was worried at first. I have become more flexible and I try to maintain my body by going to the trainer. 

-What kind of story did the director Jeffrey Page talk about?

Before the lesson started, I had the opportunity to talk remotely, and at that time, I was asked "What do you think of this scene?", And during the lesson, I was asked "What is this movement?" Please bring out what you think. I don't deny that I answered, "I like it very much. I like it too", so I think I can try various things more and more.

―Are there any things that left an impression on you?

Jeffrey is directing at various sites, so even if you say something that is natural, it sounds persuasive and impressive. Also, it may come out because the sensibility is different from that of Japanese people. Each story will be a study. For example, "Imagine once before doing the scene", and when you try it, "What percentage did you get from your imagination?" Please tell me deeply in words.

――This time, the role of Dean will be W cast, and Ryuji Sato will appear. You co-starred with Mr. Sato in "Private Detective Hama Mike". What kind of impression do you have?

In particular, Hama Mike looked great. I think that a slightly bad type of role suits you very well, and it's played insanely natural. I think it's amazing. The role of Dean this time is also a little heeled role, so is it okay for me to do it in a double cast with Ryuji-kun? I thought (laughs).

--What do you have in common or different from Mr. Sato?

If you divide humans into A and B, the types are so different that they will definitely be divided. So, I think that something completely different, of course, fits the role of the work and Dean, but will become a character with a completely different impression.

--Are there any issues you are currently facing when playing the role of Dean?

I'm thinking about how Jamie will be hurt and what will hurt the most. It's the first time for a character to bully someone or to be intimidating.

――Do you already have a favorite song?

After all it is the first song. All the students dance, but I like it because it's the first song I hear when the curtain rises, and the song itself has power and gorgeousness.


――The work depicts your high school days. What kind of high school student was Mr. Yabe?

Until around the fall of high school 3, DISH // vocalist Takumi Kitamura and Kodai Matsuoka were together. During the lunch break, three people ate rice and three people were always acting. I'm a shy person, so I wasn't very good at making friends, and there were some children who didn't speak at all even in the same class. It was like that.

--Did you hear from Mr. Kitamura and Mr. Matsuoka that you became friends?

As for Takumi, I've been with him for a long time, so I've been on good terms even before I entered high school. I was wondering (laughs), but when I talked to him, he was a really nice guy, and after I got to know him, it felt like the three of us were together.

When I was talking about how the three of us were good friends, we were able to do a radio program with them, which led to work (laughs). "I want to continue doing something with three people," he said.

--That sounds exciting. By the way, when did Mr. Yabe start performing arts activities from a young age and decided to continue?

When I was in the 1st and 2nd grade of junior high school, I was published in "Tensai TV kun" (NHK), and that and when I graduated from "Tensai TV kun", I formed a group "DISH //". is. There was a story about the group making a major debut about a year later ... The three years in junior high school made me want to do it in this world.

--Did you hear from Mr. Kitamura and Mr. Matsuoka that you became friends?

As for Takumi, I've been with him for a long time, so I've been on good terms even before I entered high school. I was wondering (laughs), but when I talked to him, he was a really nice guy, and after I got to know him, it felt like the three of us were together.

When I was talking about how the three of us were good friends, we were able to do a radio program with them, which led to work (laughs). "I want to continue doing something with three people," he said.

--That sounds exciting. By the way, when did Mr. Yabe start performing arts activities from a young age and decided to continue?

When I was in the 1st and 2nd grade of junior high school, I was published in "Tensai TV kun" (NHK), and that and when I graduated from "Tensai TV kun", I formed a group "DISH //". is. There was a story about the group making a major debut about a year later ... The three years in junior high school made me want to do it in this world.

――Now, the entertainment activities are expanding into singing, stage and activities. What about your future activities?

I will do my best to do all the work I receive. Group activities are like a part of me, so I want to continue with the current members. Originally I liked the stage, so I've been able to do stage work, and this is my first musical, but I've been challenged in various ways, and now it feels really good to me.

――This is your first musical appearance, what kind of response do you feel?

I'm still afraid that I've missed some lessons at work, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but this time there are more double casts, so I have to try various patterns, so I'll do my best to look forward to it.

--There are many performers, including Win Morisaki and Fu Takahashi, who play the role of Jamie. Are there any of you who have been familiar with you from the beginning?

Win is a senior in the office. When I entered the office, I was a senior in my department and came with me all the time.

I'm talking to Win about nothing else. I immediately make jokes and strange things, so I'm dating them (laughs).

――What are you expecting for the performance now?

Everyone is very unique, so even if they talk about the same thing, it looks completely different, and since there are double cast members, it's fun to play and interact with various people.

――Lastly, do you have a message for everyone who sees it?

This work is very powerful and has a very message. I think you can feel your own personality, the coolness that goes through you, and the importance of it. I hope you will look forward to it.




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