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矢部昌暉 Masaki Yabe interview with Ginger about Jamie


Masaki Yabe interview with Ginger about  his role as DEAN on musical JAMIE, first stage is today!

The performance of the blockbuster musical "Jamie" from the UK by a Japanese cast will start on August 8th (Sun)! A happy and energetic featured work that depicts Jamie, a high school boy who dreams of becoming a drag queen, overcoming the prejudices of the surroundings and sticking to her own personality. This time, we interviewed Masaki Yabe (DISH //), who plays Jamie's classmate.

I also had the experience of feeling floating-why I sympathize with the main character, Jamie.

――Immediately, how would you describe the theme of the musical "Jamie" in one word?

After all, I think it's my own personality. It is a theme that is common not only to the main character Jamie but also to other characters. According to the scriptwriter, "There is no ensemble in this work" and "Each character has a story." Instead of the usual setting of "Village A", each character has a name, and the actors create their own characters. I feel that the concept of bringing them together at the rehearsal hall and changing the work is very nice.

――What kind of character is Dean played by Mr. Yabe?

He has good grades and excellent motor skills, but he is a disgusting guy (laughs). I'm bullying Jamie who doesn't get close to me, but what's behind that bullying temperament is probably loneliness. Parents have a social position and a stable lifestyle, but they don't feel much affection at home ... That's why they want to be surrounded by people and see more about themselves. I understand that.

――Is there anything you can sympathize with Dean?

Actually, I feel that I am the exact opposite type of Dean. I'm the type who wants to be alone rather than being surrounded by people. If anything, I sympathize with Jamie. Since I was in elementary school, I had been working in the performing arts, so even if I wasn't bullied, I was asked "Why are you on TV?" And I felt like I was floating from the surroundings. That's why I'm trying to create "the appearance of Dean that I can see because I understand Jamie's feelings" because I play it.

――What is your impression of receiving the appearance offer? Also, how about participating in the lessons?

I had a desire to try a musical one day, but I thought it was a long way off, so at first I was both confused and excited. The most impressive thing about the beginning of the lesson was the fun of "singing". The effects of music and play, such as deepening the meaning of the scene and amplifying the power and emotion, are fresh and educational. However, delivering to customers with raw material is no different from activities at DISH // and plays on stage. "Live" is the part that I like the most and want to cherish, so I'm happy to be able to take on new challenges as an extension of that.

Masaki YabeMasaki Yabe

I wish I could live without fear of being different from others

――I think Mr. Yabe is one of those who is living a “selfish” life like Jamie. Please tell me what you need to do to live your own way.

Believe in yourself? Perhaps because of the Japanese temperament, I think that everyone has adapted to someone else. I didn't know at all why everyone wanted to go with me, such as when I was a student (laughs). For example, I think it's a waste to say that I'm A, but everyone is B, so I'm also B. Each person has a different way of thinking and it is natural, and that is what makes him unique. I don't think there are any mistakes, so I hope I can live without fear of being different.

――I think that many people find it difficult to "believe in yourself", but why do you think Mr. Yabe believes in himself?

Maybe ... I think it's sloppy in a good way. It doesn't matter what people think. Of course, there are people who want to cherish their friendships forever, but on the contrary, it is stressful to continue dating with everyone, so if the relationship breaks naturally, that's fine. By not worrying about the surroundings more than necessary, the axis naturally comes to me.

――By the way, how is your relationship with the members of DISH //? Mr. Yabe was the type who wanted to be alone ...

The members of the band may be different. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year, and it feels like a part of our body, or a childhood friend. The members know each other so much that they don't know each other, so even if they want to be alone, everyone will understand, and I also want to be sensitive to the feelings of other members.

Masaki YabeMasaki Yabe

--Have you ever had dreams or thoughts that are difficult to tell people like "I want to be a drag queen" for Jamie?

Well, I've never been worried about whether to tell people. I don't talk to people so much, so I can do what I thought I could do, and I couldn't think I couldn't, give up. I've lived that way since I was a kid. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a soccer player, but I thought that would be an absolute goal (laughs).

――It's exactly "believe in yourself". Lastly, please tell us about Mr. Yabe's "dream to come true".

I want to improve both skills even more because I can balance the activities of DISH // with my work as a stage actor and what I want to do. I would like to do my best so that I can get to know myself in each world so that I can be called "DISH // Masaki Yabe" or "Actor Masaki Yabe".


☆pantystar paulan☆


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